Month: March 2018

The Benefits of Investing in Land

Investing in Land

The majority of people who invest their money into real estate do it to purchase properties like homes, condos, and apartments. Moreover, while there’s nothing wrong with that, those aren’t your only real estate investment opportunities. You should also consider investing in land. Check out a few of the benefits that come along with doing… Read more »

A Beginner’s Guide to Timberland Investing

Investing in Timberland

Metcalf Land Company of South Carolina helps people find land to invest in, including timberlands full of trees. In South Carolina, timberlands are known for their majestic pines. These lands can be used for game hunting (turkeys, deer, geese, etc.), recreational opportunities (hiking, ATVs), and/or commercial forestry. Some people even buy timberland in order to… Read more »