Metcalf Land Company helps people find their ideal land and property for sale in the Carolinas, much of which is quite rural and what could best be described as “country living.” Now why do so many people love country living?
Can’t Put a Price on Tranquility
Today’s modern society is fast, noisy and crowded. If you go to a big city like Charlotte, NC, or Jacksonville, FL, it’s congested, with heavy traffic, pollution, sirens going off, etc. Contrast that with rural areas where people can have more space, literally, to live– where they can be kind of isolated from neighbors and noise. For those who value privacy and want to do their own thing without living “on top of their neighbors,” country living often suits their needs. Meanwhile, in rural areas, streets don’t usually have traffic jams. Stores aren’t so crowded. There’s “room to breathe” in rural areas.
Close to Nature
Speaking of breathing, country living is loved because people enjoy being in nature, and country living is all about that– you’re closer to fields, farms, trees, brooks, ponds, wildlife, etc. For those who love fishing, hunting and hiking, country living is ideal. People also love the cleaner air in the country. There’s less stress in rural areas.
Peace of Mind
Generally, people feel safer when it comes to country living– after all, rural areas aren’t usually hotbeds of crime filled with criminals and violence. Neighbors tend to look out for one another, and help each other as needed in the country. You can be as social as you want in the country, or as private as you want.
Cheaper Cost of Living
Rural areas also offer a cheaper cost of living, which is why so many people love country living. Why pay $1 million for a mansion in the city that’s 4 feet from the neighbor who can hear when you flush the toilet when you can have a nice property in the woods, far from people, for half that– with no one around to bother you?
Thinking of finding yourself some land to build a house on in a rural area in the Carolinas? Metcalf Land Company can help– call 864-585-0444.